Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Web 2.0 (Blog #20)

 * Mindmaster: concept map based. NOT FREE. You can make a slide show of your information. It can center around the bubbles to focus on one topic at a time. 
 X Spiderscribe.net: free trial is not beneficial. Another website for concept maps. You can insert word documents. This is used for older adults due to the visual aspect. Not age appropriate for teaching.

* bubbl.us: Free. Same as inspiration. Used this same website as an activity for inspiration. 
* lino: Free. Post notes and calendars. Can post pretty much anything. There is an app for this.  

* photobucket: A combination of instagram and pinterest. You can edit photos and post them. You can sign in with Facebook. 
X Quintura for kids: Not the best search engine. A search engine for kids.  

X DuckDuckgo: search engine for kids. Includes a filter option. Lets students search the internet for reliable resources. 
X Gogooligans.com: keeps safe from online scams but barely works.  

  * Padlet: It's like a board where you can post notes and have students comment on the notes you put up.  

 X stormboard: too much going on. I like the voting option for kids. Too small for notes personally.  

X kidtopia: library database. Safe google search. Not very specific and there are untrustworthy adds. * Instagrok: mixture of concept map and search engine. Middle school level. Great site for info and journals and quizzes! 

X slimekids: site that shows different kinds of search engines and websites for kids. 
 * wikisummarizer: wikipedia organizer  

 * pearltrees: combination of pinterest and a concept map. You can select a category or website. Might take some time to figure out to be useful. 
X netvibes: just like pearltrees but not as creative. Dashboards to hold your thoughts and ideas. Extreme google. Keeps your info on a subject in one place.  

Mary Katherine 
 * glogster: can make alot of timelines or portfolios or assignments. Different things for you class. Very useful! 
*audacity: a site that helps record anything.  

X Vimeo: It's like youtube where you can upload videos. 
X wordpress: you can follow different blogs

* evernote: it's a really good search engine. Holds all your notes plus more! Really cool to look into. 

 *compfight: free download. Download different sizes of images. Find a reliable image. Kids can use this site to take photos and use it legally in their projects. 
X diigo:have a library with any information you want. You can share the clouds with friends and others. You can create a group of certain people and talk about whatever you want. 

X blabberize: cut out the mouth and make it say anything you want it to say. You can record audio for the mouth.
* easelly: themes of information! love it! 

*animoto:  it's a slideshow type deal. Can only last for so long time wise.
Bookbuilder: create your own book. you can select a grade level and language 

X edmodo: you can create a classroom and have students in the group. It has the same general idea of facebook where you comment on different posts 

* socrative: free, easy for the class to join, create your own quizzes and tests. It allows you to go in and tell you who got what write and wrong. 

X podbean: podcast and upload videos. Seems useless for elementary classes
X Pixton: comic strip website

* iCloud: can download apps. some are free some are not. It connects with all apple products that you have. It also has a free word processing tool. You can do spreadsheets and gradebook. 

infofr.am: you can create different charts with different material.

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