Friday, August 30, 2013

Common Core Standards for ELA and literacy (blog #6)

What is the purpose of the college and career readiness standards?
-Broad standards that lay out the platform for students to be ready for college and career life after high school.
-states will follow the same set of standards

What are the benefits and challenges of the shift to reading and writing non-fiction tests?
-Benefits of the shift help students no more about factual information for the real world. A challenge with this is that you need a little fictional, so not enough will ruin a child's imagination. 
-not beneficial to special needs children

What are the benefits and challenges of having standards for science, social studies, and technical?`
-does not include special needs children


  1. Just going off the information you provided, would not more fiction create a bigger imagination for a child? I didn't quite follow what you were trying to say there.

  2. Jordan can you clarify your statement please?
