Thursday, September 5, 2013

John Hunter and the World Peace Game (Blog #5)

The game that Hunter made is so creative. It was very time consuming to make but he is one of those one in a million teachers that go out of their way to teach in more creative ways that help their students learn better and soak in more information. He's the type of teacher that others in the profession should strive to be like. He brings a simple text book of learning into reality for the kids and he also uses real life issues into the game as well. He's building the generation we need for tomorrow. And isn't that what we, as teachers, should be doing? Teaching our children for tomorrow and not for today?

He also is a very humble teacher. He admits that his generation has made a huge mess that the younger generation has to fix. He makes them understand that it's up to them to make the difference. He also gives them confidence to know that they are able to make a difference also. Kids need confidence these days. They need to know that they are a somebody who can change the world or make a difference. Teachers that bestow confidence in a child are the ones that all the children adore and respect and strive to be like with future endeavors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jordan,

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Creativity must be nurtured in children and should be a priority in the classroom.
