Monday, December 9, 2013


#1 Introduction Video

This was the first assignment we did in IT 365. Before this class I had used youtube to make and upload videos, but I never had to upload the video to an actual website. I came into problems uploading the video because at first it would read as ERROR that the video couldn't play, then the second time, the video sound would not play. I solved the first problem by using a different format of video. The second problem I fixed by actually turning off the mute on my computer....yes a rookie mistake. This is a great assignment to use in classrooms not only for students to introduce themselves, but it gives them another outlet to express themselves in their work. For example, if I were to give my students the assignment to describe a certain scene in history, my students can film the scene and act it out for their peers. Another way to use youtube videos in a classroom is if I am ever absent from class, I can record a video of myself teaching the lesson, then have the subsitute play the video in class. This way the kids aren't just doing regular activities that bore themselves. I felt like this assignment delt mostly with NETS-T standard number 3 letter c which states: communicate and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. It met this standard because we used youtube videos to communicate with our peers and our teacher to relate information about ourselves. 

#2 TED videos

The TED videos followed standard NETS-T 1b. This standard is engaging students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. The reason I chose this standard is because we used digital tools like videos to listen to people talk about real world issues in the education system and how we as future educators can stop those same issues from reoccurring. I never really ecountered trouble with these videos. I would definitely use the TED videos for future help in my teaching experience and apply what I learn from the videos to my classroom. 

#3 Concept Map

I felt like the concept map definitely met standard 2 which was Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. This project met this standard because we designed a map for a lesson that integrated technology into the classroom. I had several issues with the program we used called inspiration. One problem I encountered was all of the tools we were able to use. It was hard to navigate my way throughout the program and realize what I did and did not need. It took practice for me to figure out how to fix this. I also had a problem with watching videos that I posted on the concept map. I had no clue why to be honest. One day it didn't work, then the next day it did. I would definitely use this in my classroom because it creates lesson plans that help me view what I am doing. I am a very visual person, so this helps keep me focused on what my goals are. 

#4 Do Not Track Me

This project falls under standard 4 which is to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. It's helps with digital citizenship because it can show computer uses who is tracking what they are doing online and if they should be worried or not. I never encountered any problems with this service. I do not think I would worry about using it in my classroom because I have never really found a reason to download it because I rarely found any one tracking me. And if I did, the most users I found tracking me were three unlike others where I've heard of 30+ people tracking them. I would introduce it to my class to let them know that there are programs out there that help with keeping what they do on the internet private and safe but I would not make it a necessity.

#5 Augmented Reality

Before this class, I had never heard of augmented reality but I definitely learned a lot from it. It is an app that can pull up videos and other learning resources by encountering other resources. This is being used in classrooms everywhere! When I downloaded the app, I encountered the problem where when I would look up information, it would not give me much. It's a great concept and idea but I feel like I'd have to buy the more expensive version to get the information I actually needed. However this is a great idea and concept. I feel like this program would fall under standard 1 which states to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. 

#6 Voki

Voki allowed us to create virtual characters that looked exactly like us to introduce ourselves to parents and our future students. It followed NETS-T 1, which is to facilitate and inspire learning and creativity. By creatig our own virtual teacher for our classroom, it can be classified as a virtual environment. The Vokie website at first can be a little tricky to learn how to use if not guided by step by step instructions. It was difficult to add certain actions and figure out where to type in the description at. But playing around with the website and learning a little more about it, it will be easy for one to pick up on and learn from. Another problem I ran into when using this website is figuring out how to put the Voki on my webpage and make it work. After asking certain people, I finally figured out that it is because the embedded code needed fixing. This website offers a new way of conncetion and commuication between others and different people. I might not use this tool in my classroom, but if I have a very diverse group of adults or parents who will never be able to come by my classroom, using this Voki character will be able to give them a better since of what I look like and who I am if they ever need it. 

#7 Web 2.0

I would say that we used NETS-T standard 3 which states collaborating with student's success and innovation for this assignment. We used examples of how to use different sites to our peers and gave them ideas on how to incorporate those ideas into our classrooms and how we would use them in our lessons as well. This helped us open our eyes to other different sites that are out there that can build a better working enviroment and better tools for us to use. The only problem that I found with this assignment was that alot of websites were the same and had the same basic idea behind them. I would have rather had a shorter list for everyone to choose from because after figuring out that there are three or more concept map sites, it gets boring and there's no more newness. I would definitely use what I learned in this activity into my classroom. There were many sites presented to me that I would definitely use in my classroom to help me expand my teaching horizons. 

#8 Online Safety Website

Before being in this class, I had never created a website before. But I really enjoyed and respected that the first website we were required to make was about online safety. I based my website on cyber stalking and learned alot more about cyber stalking than I knew before. One major problem I encountered though is not having enough time to make a decent looking website. I only say this because I came into the class with no website building experience so it took me longer to figure everything out. Another problem I had was figuring out google calendar. I felt like it was a hassle to figure out how to put the calendar onto my page. There were several steps that had to be done to put it on there. To fix this problem, I asked a fellow student for help who was able to guide me step by step for making it appear on my website. I would definitely use this for my classroom one day! It can be a great tool for students to create their own websites on any subject I choose for them to do it on! I would only use it for older ages though and possibly fifth grade. I am not sure if I would use it under fifth grade only because it would take a while to teach those younger students how to use it. The standard I think this assignment met was 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning because this is a way for teachers to connect to students and parents using technology.  It is also an opportunity for students to become involved and better understand technology and how to use it to communicate. 

#9 Movie

This was my most enjoyable assignment in the whole class! It was a way for me to express a certain story that was all my own! I think this assignment falls under NETS-T 2. Design and Develop Digital-Aged Learning Experiences and Assessments because this was an activity where we incorporated technology as well as creativity into one lesson. Before this assignment, I had used moviemaker before this assignment and love using moviemaker. It is a very simple tool to use and it creates amazing pieces of work. The only problem I had was figuring out how to save it to upload it to the blog. I also had a problem with posting it to facebook because the song I used was a copyright issue unfortunately. I would definitely use this program in my class for my students to use to make my lessons more interesting for them to learn better. I could also use it to teach lessons in a more creative and interesting way. 

Final Reflection

Before coming into this class, I hardly knew anything that had to do with technology websites and such. But coming out of this class, I have learned many things that I know will help me with my classroom management and how to improve the teaching. Learning how to make a website and web 2.0 assignments are the biggest things I learned from in this class! Both assignments I know for sure will be used in my classroom and will help me with building a better working environment. My weak points are probably figuring out how to put certain things on my blog or website and make them work. I still have issues with figuring out how to do that. another weakness I have is not knowing deep stuff to a computer like troubleshooting and the mechanics of a computer. One day I might need to know stuff about the deeper sense of a computer and won't know what to do at all. My strong points would definitely be movie maker and concept map. Those were my two most favorite projects and what I was best at because I was able to be the most creative. Another strong point I have is remembering exactly what websites are and their names so I can find them again. One day it will come in handy if I don't write a website down to remember how I found it or how I can find it. To improve my weak areas, all I can do is just play around a little more with the computer really...there's plenty of ways to figure out how to fix a problem I have with a computer but it takes researching, patience and practice. I definitely plan on integrating technology into my classroom! I won't necessarily use everything we used in class but I did learn of a lot of great programs out there that can expand my teaching experience and make a better learning environment for students that's fun and exciting. This could be showing my students a certain video on a subject or doing online quizzes that are quick and easy. I would not necessarily use e-Portfolios and blogs with my students but I definitely think using e-portfolios and blogs are great ways for teachers everywhere to connect with one another and share their ideas and thoughts on subjects, share tips on how they manage their classroom, etc. 

Technology in the classroom (from advisees) (blog #27)

This article discusses the term SAMR which is short for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. The model is used for technology and learning purposes. It also goes into more detail each one. Substitution is where you can compare the technology being used now to what was used before technology. Augmentation is using technology in place of using a simple task or method. Modification is using technology in the classroom for classroom tasks and situations. The last one is redefinition which talks on behalf of technology being used for all circumstances. This model is a good model to describe technology to students and how society has developed with the use of technology but I don't see any other reason for it than that.

The article also talks about LMS which is a learning management system. What we use here at southern miss as our LMS is blackboard. LMS allows students to connect with their class and professor using different tools. I have used blackboard for a while with different classes and have only posititve things to say. It's a very simple tool with many benefits. Incorporating LMS into a classroom will allow more feedback between other students and teachers, allows students to view their grades quicker, and has plenty of resources for projects.

Educause sprint 2013 (Blog #26)

This article talks about M00Cs which are massive ope online courses. M00Cs are becoming very popular in schools and colleges. The article discusses why higher education is changing and why universities and CI0s need to start thinking of new ways to teach students. Doing M00C learning takes away from the face to face interaction between professors and peers. But there is good to M00C. Feedback is almost immediate using the program. It also allows students to interact with other students around the nation and the world that use the program. Another incentive to use them is because they're free! What student will deny the chance for a free course where they can work at their own pace? M00Cs is a major change to how universities and higher education works. 

I believe that with the way society is going, M00Cs will become very dominate in the next 15-20 years for higher education. I believe that every student works in different ways. I personally like the fact that I have to go to a class to learn because it actually pushes me to learn. If I was on a M00C program, I would get lazy and hold things off till the very end and possibly never pass. But that's because I have not been adapted to that learning environment yet. For others, I know that they love programs such as this because of the fact that they can work on their own time frame. They have the self motivation to do that which I do not possess. I do believe that the younger generation will be brought up to enjoy programs like the M00C and the idea of classroom education will go out the window. 

Common Core in Action: How two science teachers are implementing common core (Blog #25)

This article discusses how teachers are able to take two different kind of learning lessons and fuse them together to "knock out two birds with one stone" kind of mentality. One example the article talks about is Katie Abole using science and literature. Abole taught an upper level science class and integrated science and writing together by having her students write an argumentative essay on biofuel and fossil fuel. Christopher King did a similar kind of lesson when he used ninth and tenth grade content to have his students write an argumentative essay for nuclear power vs. fossil fuels. Doing this type of integrating helped students open up in a more academic discussion and was a positive experience for both Abole and King.

This article is definitely one that I feel all educators should read and discuss on. Teachers are freaking out with this whole new Common Core system because it's different. No one likes change. But these two teachers prove that with a little practice and planning, you can knock out two birds with one stone. That means that yea, it seems like there is alot to cover with the CCSS, but it actually isn't that hard at all if teachers just dedicate themselves a little more and think outside the box. Reading what both Abole and King did even gave me an idea for my classroom whenever I start teaching.

Evolving classroom education (blog #24)

Having technology in a classroom is becoming a bigger need than it has been before. Students are being told to bring their technological devices to class instead of being put away. This is because students are more interested in education when technology is involved. More initiatives for technology are being put into place and some classrooms around the U.S. have a "one tablet per child" program where obviously each child receives one tablet to work with in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged that they need to adapt to this new learning environment fast because that is what the future of education holds. Teachers are encouraged to find new ways to use technology to teach.

This article is right on point on how I would want to teach my classroom if I had one right now. Using technology in a classroom definitely lets students have a little more opportunity to learn and be interested in their learning environment. The only speculations I have are what if a student uses the technology for things such as texting and Facebook instead of what I am teaching them. I feel like there needs to be a program in place to help with this issue by controlling what students can and cannot access in the classroom.

21st Century Skills (Blog #14)

President Ken Kay of Partnership for the 21st Century Skills wrote a book called Enriching Minds for the 21st Century. Kay discusses and explains why the education system of America needs to be changed into a system more acceptable for the 21st century. One point Kay discusses is that the world is changing technology wise. Blue collar workers are being replaced and the global competition and collaboration has been accelerating over the past 30 years. Kay's second point is that schools and students in the U.S. are not adapting to the changes of the technology society. He brings up the point that students are losing interest in school because of the old fashion ways they are being taught. He brings up the point that testing is not creating a good foundation for students for the competitive nation in the world. The students are not being taught to the expectations of the society.

The way Ken kay talks about how school systems need to hop on the 21st century band wagon is right on point. Students of today are being brought up in a technological society where technology is the basis for their learning. In classrooms, teachers need to use technology a little more to teach children. I like that he points out that what our american school systems are learning needs to be a little more demanding than what it has been in the past. No matter what background students come from, teachers should be able to make class fun and interesting and be able to demand a little more from their students to grow the level of education in this nation.

Kids Can't Compute -- And That's A Problem (Blog #23)

This article gives great explanation on why young people do not REALLY know how to use technology. All of the younger generations generally only know how to use apps and the general basics of technology. We grow up in a nation where adults think that the young generation knows everything there is to know about technology because we grow up around it. The reason that's wrong is because we learn the basics of technology that we want to learn. The reason this article thinks it is a problem is because they say that it's not confronting people with the need to be creative in building solutions. They say to fix this issue is, younger generations need to be educated a little more on technology and what runs the technology. The article says that by the time kids graduate high school, they should be able to build a PC, troubleshoot networking issues, and at the very least be able to run a web site.

I understand that technology is becoming a very important part of today's society. But I do not agree with everything this article talked about. So what if students aren't "being creative in building solutions". Telling society that everyone should be able to build a PC and etc. because of technology becoming so popular in society is just like saying that someone needs to learn the basics of cooking because society has to eat. There are people that are more than qualified in the basics of technology that people can go to for help with these issues. I don't find it a problem as much as this article does. I feel like there are bigger issues to deal with in this younger generation socially than how much they should know about technology.

A conversation with a 'Bad' Teacher (Blog #22)

John Owens was a publisher for a magazine for thirty years before deciding to go back to school to become a teacher. He figured out that it was not all that it was cracked up to be when he found a "dark side" to the school administration and the American public education system. In an interview with Hana Maruyama from Education Week Teacher, he spoke about how he quit after a year of teaching and his experience teaching at South Bronx. Owens talked about how the worst thing he experienced was realizing that the school was more worried about passing students for their own good instead of the students well being. He tried his hardest to give students a passion for learning and the fact that he couldn't change a students view point in one class period classified him as a 'bad teacher' in the eyes of his peers. South Bronx was a school system where students came from awful home backgrounds. Owens would try to bring up positive programs and activities for the students but all of his ideas were turned down by the school system. After one year, Owens realized that in that school, he would never win no matter what. He also realized that even though people think that teachers have it easy, they really have one of the hardest jobs on the planet because they have other peoples lives and education in their hands.

Before reading Owens post, I already knew that there were school systems out there with the same mentality as South Bronx. It's teachers like Owens who have the guts to speak out on the subject and make others realize that there truly is a problem. But when people like Owens speak out, why is it that nothing has really been changed? Hopefully with the new Common Core Standards, it will help schools actually care a little more about the well being of their students. Yes, there are plenty of students that will be difficult and not want to learn or even refuse to learn. But does that give a teacher the right to just give  up on that student? I feel like it has been sociably acceptable to treat students like babies if they just don't want to learn. They still need to be pushed but it takes dedicated and skillful teachers to make change like that happen.