Monday, December 9, 2013

Kids Can't Compute -- And That's A Problem (Blog #23)

This article gives great explanation on why young people do not REALLY know how to use technology. All of the younger generations generally only know how to use apps and the general basics of technology. We grow up in a nation where adults think that the young generation knows everything there is to know about technology because we grow up around it. The reason that's wrong is because we learn the basics of technology that we want to learn. The reason this article thinks it is a problem is because they say that it's not confronting people with the need to be creative in building solutions. They say to fix this issue is, younger generations need to be educated a little more on technology and what runs the technology. The article says that by the time kids graduate high school, they should be able to build a PC, troubleshoot networking issues, and at the very least be able to run a web site.

I understand that technology is becoming a very important part of today's society. But I do not agree with everything this article talked about. So what if students aren't "being creative in building solutions". Telling society that everyone should be able to build a PC and etc. because of technology becoming so popular in society is just like saying that someone needs to learn the basics of cooking because society has to eat. There are people that are more than qualified in the basics of technology that people can go to for help with these issues. I don't find it a problem as much as this article does. I feel like there are bigger issues to deal with in this younger generation socially than how much they should know about technology.

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