Monday, December 9, 2013

Educause sprint 2013 (Blog #26)

This article talks about M00Cs which are massive ope online courses. M00Cs are becoming very popular in schools and colleges. The article discusses why higher education is changing and why universities and CI0s need to start thinking of new ways to teach students. Doing M00C learning takes away from the face to face interaction between professors and peers. But there is good to M00C. Feedback is almost immediate using the program. It also allows students to interact with other students around the nation and the world that use the program. Another incentive to use them is because they're free! What student will deny the chance for a free course where they can work at their own pace? M00Cs is a major change to how universities and higher education works. 

I believe that with the way society is going, M00Cs will become very dominate in the next 15-20 years for higher education. I believe that every student works in different ways. I personally like the fact that I have to go to a class to learn because it actually pushes me to learn. If I was on a M00C program, I would get lazy and hold things off till the very end and possibly never pass. But that's because I have not been adapted to that learning environment yet. For others, I know that they love programs such as this because of the fact that they can work on their own time frame. They have the self motivation to do that which I do not possess. I do believe that the younger generation will be brought up to enjoy programs like the M00C and the idea of classroom education will go out the window. 

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