Monday, September 30, 2013

Don't Track Me review (Blog #12)

When I first tried to download Don't track me to my computer, I used firefox and it wouldn't work. I then tried to use it on google chrome and it worked. Once I downloaded it, I went straight to Facebook because that was what I was most curious about. I was thinking since Facebook is such a popular site and so much information is included on it, that trackers would be everywhere. To my surprise, I didn't have many people tracking me. Only three at most. I then tried Google thinking that people would want to know what I search for. Surprisingly I only had two trackers. I'm not sure if I did this right or not since I only had a few trackers follow me but it is nice to know that there is a program out there that lets me know that there are people that follow every step I take on the internet.

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