Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Biggest Fallacy of the Common Core Standards (Blog #3)

From reading the article, the biggest fallacy of the Common Core Standards is the curiosity if these standards will even work. I liked reading this article because it brought up a good point that I have never thought of. How do we know if these standards will actually work if they have never been tested? We don't know and it brings up another point. Why would we spend millions of dollars on a program that has never been tested and isn't 100% proven? The money that is being spent on these standards are being taken away from the fine arts programs and physical education programs that are just as important to a child's well being as much as a good education. But lately, that has gone unnoticed. The Common Core Standards are a great idea to get students college and career ready. However, there are fallacy's with the standards and those fallacy's will bring down the idea of the Common Core. More than likely, this program will have a lot of failures.

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